The Holocaust was,without doubt, one of the most horrific atrocities committed in war history.During Adolf Hitler's twelve year reign of terror,he contributed to the deaths of over fifty million people during the Second World War. He created a racial state where people considered unfit to live there were either persecuted,enslaved, or murdered in the most callous and inhumane way.Hitler's goal was to kill all Jewish men,women and children. He succeeded in murdering six million of them. Those that survived that horrendous atrocity would endure the pain and trauma suffered for the rest of their lives.On 1st November 2005, the United Nations resolved to designate 27th January as an International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust.An outreach programme with the theme " Remembrance and Beyond " was developed with the aim of firstly, remembering the victims of the Holocaust, and secondly, helping to prevent future acts of genocide.The theme for the 2012 International Day of Commemoration was "Children and the Holocaust". The United Nations remembers ,and honours, the memory of all the children who suffered and died at the hands of the Nazis.Hopefully,future generations will not have to suffer the same atrocities, pain and heartbreak.

Monday 23 April 2012

Clara's war

Clara’s War: One girl’s story of survival.

Clara Kramer

Ecco; 2010

ISBN: 978-0061728617

Clara’s War is the story of Clara Kramer, a Polish Jewish girl, who, along with seventeen other people, hide from the Nazis in an underground bunker during the Second World War.
When the Germans invade her small town, her family is taken in by the Becks, an ethnically German family from the same town.

Mr. Beck is an alcoholic, a womanizer and a vocal anti-semitebut, on hearing that Jewish families were being taken into the woods and shot, Beck gave shelter to the Kramers as well as two other Jewish families.

Eighteen people lived in the bunker and fifteen year old Clara kept a diary of her unpredictable life during those twenty terrifying months.

Clara survived her horrific ordeal and her diary is now part of the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC.

Clara’s  War is both a tense thriller and a heartbreaking drama of human kindness, and shows just how strong the will to survive can be.

Memoir/Historical Fiction

Clara's War: A Young Girl's True Story of Miraculous Survival Under the Nazis

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